On Writing

Reviewing and editing books, I regularly come across a piece
Why were Tom Clancy’s first two books, The Hunt for
If you are like me, starting to write that first
Dazzled by the brilliance of your inspiration for a new
Bombarded with flashy covers and eye-catching blurbs, sometimes not so,
As an editor and book reviewer, I cringe when I
Every budding author wants to see his masterpiece published, preferably
I am sure someone famous once said that genius is
There are lots of things authors should not do when
Review of ‘No Reservations’ by L.A. Keller Rager *****
Review of ‘GOD IS NOT GREAT’ by Christopher Hitchens ****
Review of ‘Her Pacific Showdown – Book 2’ by Mike Krentz ****
The best books on military aviation and its effect on the modern political era
Review of ‘Finding Pig Man’ by Thomas Stewart ***
The Science Behind Cyber Attacks: Understanding the Techniques and Technologies
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