Guest post by Boris Dzhingarov
Dealing with writer’s block can be a daunting obstacle, particularly for novice or amateur authors. Here are some tips, strategies, and remedies to help you get over the hurdle.
One of the best ways to overcome writer’s block is simply writing for fun. Don’t stress over perfection. Instead, treat your work as a first draft that you can edit later.
1 – Take a Break
If you’re struggling with writer’s block, one of the best ways to get back on track is to take a break. No matter what your genre of writing, taking a break can help clear your mind and provide inspiration for moving forward.
No need to abandon your workspace or current project – simply find something else to work on. Try to explore a different genre or plotline, or write something completely unrelated to what you’re working on now.
Another way to be creative is reading other people’s works. Reading can inspire and motivate you to start writing again, whether it’s your favourite novelist, a famous screenwriter, or another author who has had trouble with writer’s block themselves. Reading can help get those words flowing again.
Writing prompts can be a great way to jumpstart your creativity. These could be as straightforward as free association writing, or you could utilize tools such as Reedsy Prompts for thousands of short story and nonfiction prompts.
It’s essential to remember that never try forcing yourself to write when feeling blocked. That will only make the situation worse. Instead, focus on simply getting some words down on paper without feeling pressured by perfectionism.
For some people, taking a walk can be beneficial to get their imagination back into gear. You could also try doing some yoga or going for a run; just keep it to only a few minutes so as not to overexert yourself or strain yourself too much.
If you’re struggling with perfectionism, remind yourself that all first drafts are imperfect. This can be an effective way to break through writer’s block, as it will allow you to focus on improving the flaws rather than striving for perfection in each word.
Once you’re motivated to return to writing, create a schedule that works with your work habits. Remain consistent during these sessions in order to see real progress over time.
2 – Go for a Walk
Exercise can be an effective way to break through writer’s block. Furthermore, it promotes good health and overall wellbeing.
According to a Stanford study, taking walks can increase creativity and divergent thinking. Divergent thinking refers to the process of coming up with multiple solutions for an issue at hand. This type of thinking is especially beneficial for writers as it allows them to generate fresh concepts that may have otherwise gone unconsidered.
Additionally, taking a walk helps clear your head and give your brain something else to focus on. This is especially helpful when feeling frustrated or anxious – two emotions that can make writing challenging.
Another advantage of taking a walk is that it helps you connect with others. For instance, you and your partner could utilize this time together to discuss feelings and work through any problems that arise.
You can also take a walk with family and friends to improve communication. Having someone listen to you can be an excellent way to break down barriers and discuss any concerns that are interfering with work.
A walk can also help clear away nagging thoughts from your mind, such as having difficulty naming a character or needing to alter a plotline. Once these worries have been put aside, your brain will be freed to focus on creating content for publication.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, taking a walk can help alleviate stress and boost productivity levels. Exercising releases endorphins that lift your spirits and give you energy to tackle tasks at hand with greater efficiency.
Cleaning the house can also be a helpful tool in combatting writer’s block. Doing household tasks, like tidying the bathroom or washing dishes, will keep your mind off any frustrations you might be facing when working on your writing projects.
When you’re feeling stuck, it can be difficult to stay motivated and excited about your work. However, taking a walk and increasing your energy levels before returning home will likely increase the desire to write when you arrive back at your desk.
3 – Talk to a Friend
When you feel stuck on your writing, speaking to someone can be a beneficial idea. Not only will you be able to discuss the situation with someone, but it could also help clear your mind and generate some fresh ideas.
Finding out what might be causing your writer’s block and why can be beneficial. Once you identify what’s stopping you from creating, it will become much easier to break free and begin again.
Sometimes when you experience writer’s block, it could be due to something in your life recently. For instance, if you had a difficult breakup, having an honest discussion with a friend about it may help sort things out and prevent future misunderstandings. However, bear in mind that sharing such details may cause distress for them as well.
Another possible explanation for writer’s block may be your own anxiety or desire for perfectionism. This is an issue many writers face and can cause them to get stuck in their work.
To overcome this obstacle, it’s essential to remember that your writing will never be perfect. Instead of striving for perfection, consider it a first draft that will evolve over time. Doing this takes the pressure off and allows you to focus on honing your craft. You can try reaching out to your friend about this problem, either via text or in person. The location and timing are essential. Therefore, select an area where both of you feel at ease.
Avoid sounding accusatory or hostile, as this can only make the situation worse. A friendly and open approach will also make the conversation simpler for both of you.
Writer’s block can be overcome in several ways, most of which involve taking a break, taking a walk, or having an honest conversation with a friend. If these methods don’t help solve the issue, counseling or therapy might be in order.
4 – Do Something Else
Writing can be a frustrating endeavor for many writers, but writer’s block is an individual issue with many causes – sometimes procrastination, sometimes fear or anxiety. Whatever the cause, getting those words out can be an enormous obstacle.
If you’re feeling stuck in your writing, try doing something else. It can be as simple as finishing a task that has been put off, or going for a walk. Whatever it may be, take time out of the day to do something positive for yourself. There are also different types of writing you can try. Even writing for print is different than for sites. But, non-writing activities tend to help the most.
Another non-writing activity can help you feel refreshed and refocused when it’s time to resume writing. Watching a short film, reading an engaging book, or solving a puzzle all provide your mind with a break and allow for the generation of fresh ideas.
A simple clean of your workspace can help clear your mind and boost focus. Artists often work in rooms that are overrun with stuff. Taking time to declutter and unpack your workspace before beginning your writing is essential for success.
Once you’re finished, your space will be clear of any clutter that was hindering you from writing. This can provide the motivation needed to jumpstart your next project with fresh inspiration.
You may need to repeat this step a few times before you see results, but once you do, the effort will be well worth it.
Even when you don’t feel inspired, it is essential to keep writing. Doing this can help build a habit that will eventually eliminate writer’s block forever.
Writing can be done at any time of day, but for some people it’s easier to be productive when the environment is quiet and there are no distractions. On the other hand, for others writing late at night may be easier.
When writing a story that requires extensive character development, it can be beneficial to take some time away from the current project before beginning another one. Doing this allows you to focus on one character instead of feeling overwhelmed by the larger picture.
About Boris Dzhingarov
I welcome you to a little part of my life. After graduating from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, with a marketing major, I quickly figured out the fact that I love traveling the world and experiencing everything that it has to offer. Nobody knows where I am going and what life will throw at me but every single day is special. I love my family and my friends. We always help each other and together we learned about the importance of forgiveness and trust.
This brings me to what you can find on, a project that started as a way to share what I learned and help others. Initially, everything was about blogging, SEO, marketing, but then it turned into so much more as I was influenced by how much spirituality and meditation helped me. Although I do run a pretty successful SEO Company (ESBO), every single day, I learn more about myself, others and the beauty that the world has to offer.
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