Interview with Samie Sands


Author Interview

1. Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself and your work?

As a kid, I liked doing things all other kids liked doing – until I discovered books. After that, I was gone, lost in the universes those books opened for me and dreaming of writing my own novel. I had a great time at school, even though English and its convoluted grammar rules did give me some trouble, but those rules gave me a grounding how to write. My first effort was pretty awful and I am glad it will never see the light of day. That thing went through two rewrites, but it still isn’t something I want to share. Call it my training wheels.

My first successful book, although not perfect, a science fiction work, was presentable and I tried for a long time to break into the traditional publishing market while holding down a demanding job in the IT industry, which kept me very busy. But writing has always been a passion and a drive, and I kept at it in my spare time. When e-book publishing took off, I had a chance to get my books to readers. These days, I am no longer in the IT industry and I spend my time writing, reviewing and being a hardnosed editor. It hasn’t been a bad journey, enabling me to produce eight sci-fi books and five political drama/thriller novels. As long as that fire of creation burns within me, I will keep writing.

2. Can you please describe your story in Monster Attack?

Hanging around in a bar, Frank meets Dan, a fellow traveler looking for action. A seductive woman approaches them and Frank gets a tingling of warning. Before he can act, she and Dan wander off. Frank forgets the incident, until a few days later, Dan shows up at the bar – an old man, and Frank knows what had happened. Like him, in the act of love, that woman takes some of the life force from ordinary mortals, but she took too much. Frank decides to pay her back in her own coin by taking her life force!

Read the story Hunger.

3. How do you think you think you would fare against the monster featured in your story?

Well, all women take something from a man – and vice versa. As with all thing, there must be a balance in any relationship or one person ends up drained. I know how that feels.

4. What are you currently working on?

I have just finished a political drama/thriller novel Proportional Response. The Chinese populist faction, the Tuanpai, plan to trigger a global disaster that will devastate America. In the aftermath, the FBI identifies China as the culprit, but don’t know if this was a rogue operation or a government plot. Fearful of American retaliation, China invites U.S. investigators to find that proof. Under a cloud of mutual suspicion, America readies itself for a military confrontation. The effort has left me somewhat drained and I am taking some time off to recharge. I have a few ideas for my next novel and I need to decide which one I want to nourish.

5. Where can people find out more about you?

Twitter: @stefanvucak

Samie Sands blog: Zombies Inside

Read Samie Sands’ Monster Attack compilation of unusual stories! Available from Amazon


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