J.L. McFadden blog tour

J.L. McFadden, author. Rave Reviews Book Club
Click to see his website

Book Blurb:
While still doubled over, picking up a book, Adela stated with a sultry voice, “One of these days, I am going to make you deliver on all of those promised ideas, running through your head when you watch me.” She had a playful sound to her voice with her smile, telling that fulfilling his dreams was not out of the question.

Priest and Hannah rowed up into the dark side of the small island described in the scribes and scrolls. Before Hannah realized it, Priest was perched up on the nose of the vessel. Hannah just shook her head.

Damn! The man moves so much like a vampire.

Without a breath, he leaped forward, and she bounced a mere moment after, landing the rocks just behind Priest. Not a word between this strange team was made, but they moved as one. No communication was needed; two perfect killers, hunting the same prey, need not to communicate. Instinct was all these two predators needed.

They had split to take the guards off-guard, the inherent problem was that the guards were humans, werewolves, and vampires. Secretly, Hannah loved slaying the immortals; the challenge was much more than the humans were. Hannah killed with no prejudice, for finding Vitally and the secrets of the Guardians’ past were the key to ending all the wars, hopefully, before it even got started.

For Priest, this was not to oblige Adela’s requests, but rather to make amends to his brothers’ blood being spilled. His mind was made up, there had to be something out there way more powerful than an Ancient; Adela has already been much more powerful than any ancient of the past. Something was very different in Adela’s transformation, which weigh heavy on his mind. Never had an Ancient gained so much power. He couldn’t shake off the training between Adela and John, using acres of land for a battle, never in all of his years had he seen any being ever have such strength and speed to cover such distance and cause such destruction.

Hanna’s fangs elongated; her mouth wide-open, only inches away from the guard’s neck while he was peering over the cliff, when he was hindered by a blade that tore through his throat. As his body dropped into the water, crashing on the boulders below, she rasped in a voice that was meant only for Priest’s ears, “Damn it! I need to feed!” At that moment, she was blindsided by another man, but to his dismay, he was ripped to the ground and was now her warm meal of the evening. As she looked up at Priest, his eyes stated, I knew there was another one behind you. She was fuming.

How could a damn human, almost a hundred yards away from me, know that there was a human behind me that I had no idea of?

She knew well that Priest might have just saved her from being staked. It was clear that these humans were just meant to sound the alarm for the beasts of burden; they were the true guards of the island. As she stalked along the edge of the darkness, she noticed the stone door that was drawn on the diagrams. She was beside herself for finding it first; he was always one-step ahead of her. Priest lit his light, shining it on the lock as he leaned up against the frame of the doorway.

Damn it! How did he get there first?

Choices, J.L. McFadden, Author
Click to view book on Amazon

Author Bio: J.L McFadden was born in Pennsylvania and spent his life bouncing around the States until beginning to travel the world. Starting out he was a well-known musician in upstate New York that had a heavy playing schedule. Later he went back to his home state to work in the Lumber mills of the mountains. In California working in sales, management and even directed a small moving company until deciding to see the world. His travels around the world have allotted him to not only join an International Aikikai Aikido Federation, but have trained with Sanseis from Belgium, Ukraine, Russia and other European countries. He accounts his journeys and meeting of new people to his broad character types in his books.

Website: http://www.jlmcfadden.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officaljlmcfadden
G+: https://plus.google.com/+JamieLeeMcFadden/posts
Twitter: https://wwww.twitter.com/jamieleemcfadde
GoodReads: ttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20842432-choices

Purchase Choices at: Amazon.com and Barns & Noble
Rafflecopter Giveaway: https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/4af5be7f12/
Goodreads Event Page: https://www.goodreads.com/event/show/956279-choices-blog-tour

“This tour sponsored by 4WillsPublishing.wordpress.com

and Rave Reviews Book Club

2 Responses

  1. I don’t think month long tours are ideal for just one book, what do you
    think J. L. I will do a month tour if I have more than one book, perhaps,
    four, and one for each week. Just thinking out loud. Thank you Stefan for

    1. I think you are 100% wrong: As you have said on a later blog stop, it
      seems I am picking up steam. I think a month is not enough, because we
      never know which blog post will get passed around more later. This one
      did not have the same yeild as the rest at the start, but it may out do
      the rest later. Newer authors need to get the word out about their
      books as much as they can. I have several other tours after this and a
      break in May to set up the release of my first book in Russian. I got a
      deal with a Publisher that will be putting my translated books into
      Russia and Ukraine.

      Another author friend of mine had a 4 month tour none stop and it was
      the last month that got her results. I think most people need to read or
      see about something a few times before giving it a try.

      Thank you Stefan for hosting this. 🙂

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