Through the Valley of Shadow

Book 7 of Shadow Gods Saga


The Serrll Combine faces a dire threat from the Celi-Kran, and is uncertain whether the Orieli Technic Union will come to their aid if attacked.

A damaged Celi-Kran warship attacks an ecoforming world on the edge of the Palean Union and begins to dismantle the base for repair materials. First Scout Terrllss-rr, his soul filled with hate, bent on revenge, pursues his brother Dharaklin to Anar’on, the fabled world of the Wanderers, to get Teena back.

He finds Teena, but Dhar has vanished into the desert. She tries to convince him to forsake his revenge, but the only thing that will satisfy him is his brother’s blood. Terr cannot forget how Dhar sabotaged his ship, causing it to crash in the Sierras where American forces hunted him down, seeking the secrets his ship contained.

Deep in the Saffal desert, Terr confronts Dhar, ready to unleash the lightnings that would destroy his brother. He stays his hand, leaving himself open to Dharaklin’s retaliation.

The Serrll Scout Fleet readies itself to destroy the damaged Kran warship and confronts the Kran menace.



Check out Stefan Vučak’s other books in the Shadow Gods Saga.

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